
This is the story behind P3 Boutique.. Enjoy 

Ever since I was a little girl I have had a lot of interest in fashion, I always wanted to be a fashion designer, or own my own boutique one day. I would alway doodle fashion designs on paper and then run around the house collecting ribbon or beads or any material that would go on my designs and I would glue or staple them to the paper with my design. 

Throughout my elementary, junior high and high school years I would always dress up in the best clothes I had. I have three other sisters, two older and one younger, so a bunch of my clothes were handed down to me so I had to make them work and add my own little twist to them to make them mine. My little sister and I did get new clothes also, not everything got handed down to us, but even then I still always added my own unique twist to all my clothes, sometimes people looked at me a little differently and other times people complimented me and loved my outfits even asked me for advice on what shoes they should match with their outfits. In high school art class I made a necklace out of ribbons that even went to the state competition and that is when I knew I had an act for the fashion world. It was a childhood dream that I simply never let go of and knew one day I would make it a reality.

I attended college online at the Art Institute for Fashion Design and Technology. I would stay up late at night while my son slept. I made the President's list for having a 4.0 GPA. I have no background in business or marketing. I am just an average person who had a huge dream and made it happen. I work late every night, pray every single day for my business to work and go above and beyond to keep my business on track. I am determined and stubborn. I was not going to take no for an answer.

My goals for the business is to simply be happy, provide for my family and offer fashionable yet affordable clothing to our local gals and the half million online customers we have. I love my job and the customers that have become my friends. The P3 Boutique Facebook page is like a second family to me. These women are so loyal to us and we are to them. We do not like to compete. I have always been one to do what I want and not really pay attention to what others are doing around me. I am my biggest competition. I constantly strive to be better than I was the day before. To work harder, pray more and stay happy. 

This business started on a dime and has grown into something bigger than any of us can even comprehend. We are so thrilled at the amazing journey this has been and pray that God continues to bless us.