Project SADIE

Our beloved dog Sadie is the inspiration for Project SADIE, which stands for “Shelter Animals Deserve It Easier.”  Sadie was a rescue dog.  Even though we rescued her, she wasn’t the lucky one, we were, for having her in our lives.  We lost her less than a week before the launch of P3 Boutique due to health problems.  Everybody knows dogs are loyal, but rescue dogs like Sadie take it to a whole other level. Sadie loved people. She greeted everyone with a stuffed animal in her mouth and when you sat down, she was going to find a way to sit on your lap, all 50+ pounds of her.

The day came that the vet called and said we were all out of options on her treatment and it was her time.  As I drove to go tell her goodbye for the last time, I thought about how we didn’t send one of her toys with her that morning. She always had to have a stuffed animal, they were like her security blanket.  She didn’t play with them, she just carried them. I think it helped with her fear of abandonment.   As much as we loved her and as good as we were to her, if she couldn’t shake that fear of abandonment, how must dogs in the shelters feel?

Project SADIE is our way for our sweet girl to live on.  We are making a commitment to donate a portion of every sale to local shelters to make life better there by supplying them with toys, treats, beds and anything else they need to feel loved.